Submission Requirements:
- The music excerpts requirement must be recorded from start to finish without cuts and/or splices.
- Due to these circumstances, auditions will NOT be blind. Students’ body (hands and face/ears) must be visible in the video. The use of headphones is prohibited.
- No identifying clothing may be worn (i.e. no school t-shirts, no name identification, no PMEA, NAfME All Eastern or National shirts)
- Directors/students should record videos on a device of their choosing (director or student phone/device)
- Directors are asked to view the file and verify the recorded audition is consistent with the student’s level of performance.
- Video MUST be submitted during the “Window of Opportunity” by the DIRECTOR.
- Each segment of the audition should be its own file and named by Instrument_audition part.
Example: Trumpet_Scales; Trumpet_Excerpt1; Trumpet_Excerpt2
Submission Requirements:
- The music excerpts requirement must be recorded from start to finish without cuts and/or splices.
- Due to these circumstances, auditions will NOT be blind. Students’ body (hands and face/ears) must be visible in the video. The use of headphones is prohibited.
- No identifying clothing may be worn (i.e. no school t-shirts, no name identification, no PMEA, NAfME All Eastern or National shirts)
- Directors/students should record videos on a device of their choosing (director or student phone/device)
- Directors are asked to view the file and verify the recorded audition is consistent with the student’s level of performance.
- Video MUST be submitted during the “Window of Opportunity” by the DIRECTOR.
- Each segment of the audition should be its own file and named by Instrument_audition part.
Example: Trumpet_Scales; Trumpet_Excerpt1; Trumpet_Excerpt2
Submission Requirements:
- The music excerpts requirement must be recorded from start to finish without cuts and/or splices.
- Due to these circumstances, auditions will NOT be blind. Students’ body (hands and face/ears) must be visible in the video. The use of headphones is prohibited.
- No identifying clothing may be worn (i.e. no school t-shirts, no name identification, no PMEA, NAfME All Eastern or National shirts)
- Directors/students should record videos on a device of their choosing (director or student phone/device)
- Directors are asked to view the file and verify the recorded audition is consistent with the student’s level of performance.
- Video MUST be submitted during the “Window of Opportunity” by the DIRECTOR.
- Each segment of the audition should be its own file and named by Instrument_audition part.
Example: Trumpet_Scales; Trumpet_Excerpt1; Trumpet_Excerpt2